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In the previous article, we had explained what Historical Volatility is very briefly. In these series, in order to gain better understanding and hence be able to interpret its meaning better, we’ll discuss more in-depth about Historical Volatility. As usual, I’ll try to share my understanding about this topic as simple as possible, so that it’ll be easier to understand for everyone.
Click the following link to read each article:

1) Definition of Historical Volatility
2) Formula to calculate HV
3) Steps to calculate HV using MS Excel (with example)
4) Understanding Standard Deviation
5) How to annualise Standard Deviation
6) Interpretation of Historical Volatility
7) Comparing HV

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* Understanding Implied Volatility (IV)
* Understanding Option Greek
* Understanding Option’s Time Value
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* Options Trading Basic – Part 1
* Options Trading Basic – Part 2