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Best GCam for Redmi Note 8 Pro | Root/Non-Root

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If I'm not mistaken, in the past I shared about a modified Google Camera aka GCam Mod for the Redmi Note 8 Pro smartphone.

However, since technology is getting more and more advanced, of course the Google Camera application that I have shared in the past is no longer relevant.

Surely a new, more perfect version of GCam now exists. and right! On this occasion, I would like to share the latest version of the GCam Mod specifically for Redmi Note 8 Pro! This application can also be used on all RN8P devices, both rooted and non-rooted! just install and enjoy the sophistication of this Gcam application!

In this latest version, I will share the 2 versions of GCam that are most popular with Redmi Note 8 Pro users, namely GCam versions 6.1 and 7.3.


How to Install?
Install like other Android Apps

How to Setup to get Better Result?


How to install and configure GCAM below

1. Firstly download the GCAM and its XML Config File.
2. Install the app
3. Open your file manager and create 2 folders, for the GCAM that you want, see FOLDER NAMES below. For example, if you want to put in a config for Pitbull 1.9, you would make a folder called "ConfigsSettings7.3" in your internal storage. That would be where you would put your configs.
4. Now open the GCAM and double tap on black space in between the gallery and the white shutter button
5. Select the configuration file and then press "Update/Restore" 
6. Done



gcam 6.1      :   gcam/configs

gcam 7.3       :   gcam/Configs7

trcamera      :   trcamera/XMLconfigs

hypercam     :   gcam/configs

gcam fu24    :   gcam/configs

burial            :   gcam/Configs7

pitbull           :   ConfigsSettings7.3

most CAMs   :   gcam/Configs7


Sabre is a merge method created by Google that improves photo quality on some modes. Some call it "super resolution" because of the sharpness/detail improvements. It's used by Google for Night Sight, but some GCam mods also use it for zoomed photos and HDR+ Enhanced. Works with the RAW10 format (other RAW formats may result in black photos).

Sometimes Sabre isn't supported by all cameras and Google Camera will crash after taking a picture. In this case, the only solution is to disable Sabre (only available on some mods) and restart the app.